Tango Down Airsoft Blog
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Airsoft Guides from Tango Down
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A question we get asked all the time in the shop is - What's the difference in all the BBs?
Well, we could literally go on for hours about all the different brands and qualities etc... but we will only focus on what we would actually shoot from our team's own airsoft guns, and that is nothing...
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Airsoft Guides from Tango Down
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A question we get asked regularly by people new to airsoft as well as more experienced players is with AEG magazines and what is the difference? So we're going to give you a quick run down of the basics here.
There are several main types of mag and we don't mean that they fit different guns...
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Airsoft Guides from Tango Down
views (9927)
FPS and recommended hop bucking rubber hardness (based on 0.20g BB)
280-360 FPS - 50° degree
295-390 FPS - 60° degree
360-460 FPS - 70° degree
425-490 FPS - 75° degree
Over 490 FPS - 80° degree
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Airsoft Guides from Tango Down
views (13155)
This is a question we get asked all the time - Which Gas Is Best???
In short there is no "one size fits all" answer to that question as there are so many factors involved in choosing and using a gas airsoft gun. These can be from as simple as what the ambient temperature of where you are using...